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The World Ends With You RP

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The World Ends With You RP Empty The World Ends With You RP

Post by Grunge Hamster Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:34 am

Shibuya. A center of human interaction, where different people and different creeds clash and create the pulsating rhythm of new life. Underneath the hustle and bustle and the noise of the city a group of people will come to understand just how true this is...

Shin finds himself in a very dark place. Where am I? Am I... am I finally dead? I can't see anything... Is this... hell? It's so noisy. I hear people but I can't see a thing. And what was that strange voice earlier? ...Entry fee?

He tries to take a few steps forward arms out-stretched and stumbling at first. He hears a beep and feels a vibration in his pocket. He fumbles with his phone opening it and holding it close to his face.

"Reach 104 in 60 minutes or be erased. -love, The Reapers."

Can't even see my phone... What happened to the light on this thing?

"Hello?" He calls out "Anybody there? I can hear you all out there! Does anyone have a light! Hello!" He desperately tries to ignore the conclusion creeping in the back of his mind.

"No... there's no way..." he says rubbing his eyes. "I can't be..." he begins to run and stumble desperately yelling "ANYBODY?! I CAN HEAR YOU ALL OUT THERE! SOMEONE ANSWER ME!"

He hears growling and feels a sharp pain in his leg.

"GAH! What the fuck?! Get away! SOMEBODY HELP!"
Grunge Hamster
Grunge Hamster

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Rise: The Game Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:25 am

Minato's vision was blurry, as he felt himself lying on asphalt. "My goodness its loud here." he said as he sat up. "Where in the world am I? The Shibuya Crossing?" he then heard a shout.

"Gah! What the fuck!? Get away! SOMEBODY HELP!"

"What in heavens name........" he said as his phone began to vibrate. "No time for that now!" he said as he ran towards the shout to see a man getting attacked by something he had never seen in any textbook in his life. "What in the-why aren't any of you helping this man!?" he shouted at all the people passing him.


"I know the bystander effect is strong in this country.....and that IS a scary looking.......thing, but for you all to leave this man to die! Pathetic! I'll lecture you all after I take care of this! Sir! Run away i'll distract it!" he shouted to the man being attacked
Rise: The Game
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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Grunge Hamster Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:36 am

Shin stumbles and falls to the ground unable to move far from the attacking creatures. He waves his arms in front of him. "Dammit... I can't... I can't see!" his eyes begin to tear up as he finally admits to himself that he has gone blind.
Grunge Hamster
Grunge Hamster

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Rise: The Game Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:56 am

"Keh!" Minato says as he jumps inbetween Shin and the monsters. "As a teacher I wont allow you all to harm a student if I have anything to say about it! He has his whole life ahead of him and-"


The monsters charge at Minato and ram him sending him flying.

"Gah!" he says as he lands on the hard ground. "Why.......why isnt anybody noticing these monsters!?" he shouts frantically.

"H-hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" a high pitched screech is heard. "Help me! Anybody! Monsters! Monsterrrrrs!"

"Besides him. Hey! Give me a hand!" Minato shouts as he looks up to see a man with extremely spiky hair and wearing a tanktop and skinny jeans with lightning bolts all over them.

"H-hell no! I'll get killed!" he says.

"If I fight alone and get killed you're next!" Minato shouted back.

"Damn it! Fine! You wall will regret facing the almighty Max Vol-"


"Waaahhhh!" he shouted as he hid behind Minato.
Rise: The Game
Rise: The Game

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Arc Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:11 pm

*Juno wakes up standing in the crosswalk*

...Is this shibuya? Must be.

*She takes out her phone and tries calling someone but the call fails*

What is this? i usually have service here. Hey you, i need to requisition your phone, it's police buisness.

*She tries talking to a man crossing the street but he doesn't seem to acknowledge her existance*

What the hell is going on? How did I even get here?

*a blurry being forms in front of her and begins to reform as a wolf*

*Juno draws her pistol and pulls the trigger but nothing comes out*

Bullshit! This thing was loaded! Fuck... I need to retreat, that thing looks hungry.

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by The Monkey King Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:17 pm

Shichiro felt like he was walking an eternity. He can't remember how he got to Shibuya. He collapsed and felt like he was going to die. He closed his eyes for a moment.
Then all of a sudden his phone was making a huge racket. He startled awake and his phone fell out of his pocket. He grabbed it and his vision started clearing again. "104 Building. 60 minutes. or be erased?" He muttered. He got up, dusted himself off and dropped his phone back into his pocket. He saw some static form in front of him.
"Ok, I don't recall ever taking any drugs. Why am I hallucinating?" He said, the static changed into a frog.
"Alright! I'm definitely high. I mean, I heard of the pink elephant but weird looking frogs should be right up there." He turned away from it and it hopped on him.
"What the?" It kicked off of him knocking him backwards. "OW! Ok I'm not high after all!" He got back up and tried kicking the thing. "OW! what?!" He grabbed his foot and started hopping around. "What kinda frog are you!?" He tried punching the frog to the same effect, "OW! GODDAMN! Alright, That is IT! I'm gonna...!" He put his fists up. More frogs started appearing around the first, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He turned and ran for his life, with a hand on his hat to keep it on. "Shibuya Crossing... There's always people there! I can get help for sure!"
The Monkey King
The Monkey King
Hunting Blade
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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Grunge Hamster Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:29 pm

Two figures watch as the group struggles with the strange creatures.

"AAARGH!" a pink haired girl lets out a frustrated yell. "Look at this week's players! They look so pathetic. This game will be over too soon!"

"Chill girl. I thought you wanted to set records this game." says an orange haired male. "If the player's kick it on day one we can relax for the rest of the week."

"But we haven't DONE anything yet. You may not care about finally becoming officers, but I intend to make the most of our promotion. And shouldn't YOU care more about this Game Master Kariya?"

"Why don't you do it Uzuki?" Kariya says.

"Uhh excuse me?" Uzuki looks at him confused.

"As Game Master I officially appoint you my Proxy. You can run this weeks game."

"So what? You get to take a vacation and get all the credit for my work?" asks Uzuki.

"You do all the work and I'll see you get all the credit. And if you mess up..." Kariya replies.

"I won't" Uzuki says firmly.

"Shall we bet the usual?"

"You're on. And I want Shio Ramen this time."
Grunge Hamster
Grunge Hamster

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Rise: The Game Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:31 pm

"You aren't doing a good job of protecting me!" Max shouted running around.

"You aren't doing ANYTHING for heaven's sake!" Minato shouted as he dodged an attack

"You're supposed to protect me!" he shouted back.

"Tch! Screw this!" Minato said as he shoved Max out of his way, grabbed Shin and attempted to escape
Rise: The Game
Rise: The Game

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Grunge Hamster Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:49 pm

Shin is dragged by Minato through the scramble, until they both come to a halt crashing into something.

"What is it? What's going on?" Shin asks.

An invisible wall blocks their path.

"Want past this wall?" A stranger in a hoodie says to them. "Come back after you've formed a pact and defeated at least one Mosh Grizzly where I can see you."

RRAAAWR!!! A large bear-like creature moves towards them surrounded by large frog monsters.

"Kyaa! Like help! Police! Somebody!" a teenage girl runs past Juno screaming as monster frogs and wolves chase her.


Prof. Armastus walks around the scramble aimlessly yet calmly. He notices a strangely marked giant frog and he moves to look more closely. The frog attacks him with a painful kick.

"AHH!" He let's out a surprised and pained yell holding his arm and inhaling sharply. "AAH! What is this... Aahha... my arm AHA... AHAHAHAHA... AAAAH!" he begins to laugh and scream in pain with a deranged look on his face. He moves quickly away from the frogs and towards the 104 building.
Grunge Hamster
Grunge Hamster

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by The Monkey King Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:08 pm

"OK. Crossing. Huff. Here. Now!" He said looking around. "Wait... what is going on?" He noticed that a few people were being chased by the weird animals. But others just completely ignored what was going on. "Whaa...?" He waved in front of a random person's face, "Hello? Can you hear me?" The person merely turned away. "Can he not see me?" He jumped in front of the guy and made funny faces at him. He even flipped the guy off. "Wow. He can't see me. Not even hear me." He then turned to the crossing and yelled, "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?! PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE CAN SEE ME!"


Not too far away from the crossing, "Well, Looks like I'm stuck here." Ko had said to himself, holding his hands behind his back. He walked towards the Shibuya Crossing. "The message said the 104 building." Some frogs appeared out in front of him. "Oh you must be joking!" He tried walking past them but one tried kicking him, He slid to the side not changing his posture, "Hmph! Of all the nerve!" He said insulted. "Frogs shouldn't be so hostile in the first place!" He tried kicking one. He jumped back and got on a knee. "What strange magic is this? An animal that can appear out of the sky and isn't hurt by physical attacks?" He got up and kept dodging their attacks.
The Monkey King
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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Rise: The Game Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:52 pm

"I-I can! Help meeeeeeeeeeee!" Max shouted hearing Shichiro.

"Uh! I dunno what this is about but uhhh........PACT!" Minato shouted hoping something would happen
Rise: The Game
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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Arc Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:11 pm

*Juno's cornered by the noise*

Huff... i cant fight them! Goddammit i need help! Anyone! I need backup now!
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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by The Monkey King Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:45 pm

He heard the both of their plea's. but didn't want to help either of them, "They can hear me... That's means they can see me... But why would I want to help random strangers?" He grabbed his head as he was rather confused. "Why do I care?" His body moved without his command and just started to head towards Max and saw he wasn't in that much trouble. Just really scared. "Why?" He then turned towards Juno who was completely cornered. "What?" He turned back, "Who?" He yelled at Max, "Don't just stand there! RUN!" He then turned to Juno and ran to help her, He jumped over some frogs and landed next to her. "Hey Lady! C'mon! We gotta go!"
The Monkey King
The Monkey King
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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Arc Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:48 am

About goddamn time!

*A light bathes Juno and Shichiro*
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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Grunge Hamster Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:18 pm

"What? Pact?" Shin says confused. A bright light engulfs the two of them and Minato finds himself facing the bear monster by himself, Shin is nowhere to be seen. Several pins in Minato's pocket pocket begin to glow.

"Seriously what's going on?"


"Gah!" Shin feels himself swatted back by the unseen monster.

"St...stay away from me!" He shrieks and scrambles away. He cannot see it but his pocket begins to glow.


The bear monster makes a confused noise as Shin vanishes from sight.

"Good afternoon." a voice comes from behind Ko. He turns to see a foreigner holding his arm as if injured. "Lovely day for a stroll isn't it?" the stranger asks smiling as if unaware of the frog monsters.
Grunge Hamster
Grunge Hamster

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Rise: The Game Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:38 pm

"What the heck?" Minato said reaching for the glowing pins. "What are these??" he asked himself confused. "And where is that boy?"
Rise: The Game
Rise: The Game

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The World Ends With You RP Empty Re: The World Ends With You RP

Post by Arc Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:49 pm

*A pin drops in front of Juno*

Hey... what am i supposed to do with this?

*The pin resonates with her pistol*

I wonder

*she fires a blast of energy out of her pistol*

Hey you! These pins are the only way to kill these things!
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