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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers Empty Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers

Post by SHSL Gang Leader Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:53 pm

I just finished my biggest creative writing project ever.

It's part of a big group of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon guys. Everyone forms their own team of Pokemons and then goes on adventures. Also a lot of them die. It's rough.

So I did that, and my idiot team blunders through a few simple jobs. I am very proud of it/them.


Feel free to critique it so's I might better improve skill.

(The next challenge is basketball for some reason. Wish me luck)
SHSL Gang Leader
SHSL Gang Leader

Favorite Tales Game : Graces
Posts : 4164
Grade : 12820
Charm : 566
Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 34
Location : cain town

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