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How old were you when you started playing games?

SHSL Gang Leader
Rise: The Game
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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by Arc Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:39 pm

I'm doing my argumentative speech on something related, and i wanted to poll you guys. How old were you, and what kinda games did you play? Then how old were you before you started playing more mature games if you already didnt.


I started playing when i was 3, my grandma gave me a gameboy and i distinctly remember playing licensed disney games like aladdin or lion king. but i also remember playing kirby's dreamland 2 (which is still my favorite kirby game to date). i think that was as violent as it got. got an N64 when i was 10 and obviously played OoT, mario 64 etc. it wasnt until i was like 16 that i started playing FPSs. being a nintendo fag for so long and having parents that care what you play do that to you.
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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by Rise: The Game Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:52 pm

I was two, my uncle got me and my brother sonic the hedgehog.

I never had a nintendo system besides gameboy until I was 14 and got a gamecube. So i have next to no attachment to the nintendo franchise besides Fire Emblem and Pokemon. We grew up with having a sega genesis, then we got a PS1 when that came out. I didnt start playing more violent games till the PS2, and at that point I was 12, even then "violent" meant fighting games like tekken and shit. I was scared of zombies and didn't like blood so things like Resident evil are recent to me lol (I really like the series tho XD )
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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by Tatsuya Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:31 pm

The running joke in my household is that video games have been in my house since I was born. It started out with the SNES and pretty much have gotten every Nintendo console afterwards.

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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by SHSL Gang Leader Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:38 pm

iono. I don't remember much.

I do remember trying Diablo when I was really young, though. It was released in 1996, so I was probably about 7 years old. (Keep in mind this is a game filled with dismembered, bloody corpses. Can't wait for Diablo 3!)

I did spend a LOT of my early childhood playing the best game ever made:

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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by Toriko Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:09 am

the first game i remember playing was either mega man or street fighter i forgot which since it was at a baby sitters house and i was like 4 or 5, the first thing a owned of course was nes and i went on to play the tmnt game that destroyed me so many times that i almost never made it past the first part of the level Very Happy

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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by Rozencrutz Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:31 am

My first game ever was on the NES, the original Legend of Zelda, I played it when I was about 4, god I played that for hours.

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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by Turret Slayer!!! Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:40 am

I wanna say two or three. My brother made me play with him all the time.
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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by TLS Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:54 pm

About 4 I think. My cousin's house I played Mario Kart and Bomberman on the N64.

I think Goldeneye too but I remember not liking it much cause I was pretty terrible at it.

As for more mature games as it were one of my first games was Turok Dinosaur Hunter. Which me and my cousin would marathon every week. It was also the first game I knew cheat codes for.

When I was 5 I got my own N64 and a few years later got a Gamecube and PS2.

I only got into most the games I really fanboy (Tales, Megaten, Fallout etc.) very recently though.

OH and like Catbread I had no end of (ridiculously shitty FUCKING AWESOME) educational computer games. Which did I mention. Were awesome.
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How old were you when you started playing games? Empty Re: How old were you when you started playing games?

Post by danger Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:19 pm

I had educational computer games starting when I was about six (Magic School Bus was one of the best things that ever happened to Tiny Kiryn.)

Then one rainy day at miserable summer camp after being herded around to various boring assemblies with a bunch of idiots my age (okay a couple of them were decent I guess) I found the camp had a tiny, un-air-conditioned cabin with a handful of televisions and consoles. Tiny Kiryn started playing Super Mario World and Kiryn's Mother mourned the loss of the non-nerd child that never actually existed.

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