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Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump

Rise: The Game
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Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump Empty Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump

Post by Rise: The Game Thu May 08, 2014 1:00 am

Place holder topic to bring over any new info for the revised RP. If you post anything that is remaining unchanged, please state so. The old topics will be removed to reduce cluttering on Saturday. Post away, i'll deal with organization later.


Fortunica (Description coming soon.)

Grados (Description coming soon VIA James)


Important Terms/Locations

Role: Role is the role any character anyone submits will play throughout the story of the RP. Roles are as follows:
- Party Member: This character is a full fledged character with development and a story arc. This character should play an important role in the story, be it towards a world or the party.
-Support : This character is just about the same as a Party Member, but this character comes and goes their separate ways more often than a party member. Supports main roles are to be an important person or symbol towards a full fledged party member to help guide and assist said character, but are also fully battle capable, and can participate in fights/travel with the main party for a while should the current events in the story allow it.
-NPC (Non Player Character) : This character does not fight. May travel with the party for a short period of time as an escort or guest member. Mainly for story building, and character development purposes.
-Rival: A character who has something to do with a specific party member, specifically if fights between the two happen. A rival is not necessarily an antagonist.
-Antagonist: A character who shows animosity towards the party as a whole. Someone who wants to kill and/or thwart the Party's plans, or believes the party is in their way of their own plans

(Note:You must list the role of every character you post. If you feel like it would ruin the character by giving them Antagonist in the character entry, list their role as NPC, then change it to the appropriate role when its revealed in the story.)

Last edited by Rise: The Game on Thu May 08, 2014 3:11 am; edited 3 times in total
Rise: The Game
Rise: The Game

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Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump Empty Re: Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump

Post by Rise: The Game Thu May 08, 2014 2:45 am

Leo Fides
Role: Party Member

Hair:Short, slightly messy dark blue hair
Eyes: Red. Wears normal sized square glasses.
Skin Tone: Tanned
Clothing: Blue shorts with a red undershirt covered by a blue jacket accompanied with bits of yellow. Wears a cape when away from home.
Build: Average body build as he reads more than he participates in physical activity.
Height: 5 feet 4 inches tall
Origin: Fortunica: Grandall

Weapon/Fighting Style: Simple Offensive magic, mainly leaning towards water element since he has control of the spirit Undine. Has a simple short sword for close ranged self defense, but is very inept at wielding it.

Likes: His family, Fae, Fresh Air, People who listen to others, homemade meals.
Dislikes: Disorganization, people who use others for ill intentions, cold weather, mushrooms, unfortunate children.

Bio: Leo is the next in line to inherit the title of Maxwell, following in the footsteps of his father Lucius Maxwell who completed his tasks given to him about twelve years ago. His mother is Miriam Fides, the previous daughter of the Undines who had the compatibility to bear the new generation Maxwell child. Due to this, Leo has a heavy disposition to using and being near unaffected by the Water element. He is slightly resistant to fire, but is dangerously weak to the element of lightning. Leo grew up a living a rather normal life, by noble standards. His personal Maid and Butler stood in for his parents whenever they were busy with family or political affairs, and Leo views them as his older siblings rather than servants. Upon turning seventeen, Leo is summoned by Lady Louise to be told that the time for him to journey out and face the trials of the three neighboring families has come, in order to gain and control the other 3 main elements of the world: Fire, Wind and Earth. Accompanied with only his parents' advice, his weapons and his childhood friend Fae, Leo sets out to follow in the footsteps of the father he admires, but will Leo discover his own personal purpose in doing so?

Chibi Leo:

Chibi Leo (Home):

Miriam Fides
Role: NPC

Age: 39
Hair Color: Long and Silver. Wears it up in a ponytail when at the academy.
Eye Color: Light Blue
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned
Weapon/Fighting Style: Water and healing artes.
Origin: Ilma-Lumisca : Capital of the Undine
Likes: Her family, Black Coffee, Teaching, Children who listen, Freedom
Dislikes: Fish, Horses, Sleeping in, Laziness, Disobedient children, Danger

Bio: Miriam Fides is the mother of Leo, giving birth to him shortly after marrying Lucius Maxwell. After birthing a new generation Maxwell, the mother's hair goes silver, as to show a mark of the one who birthed a Maxwell candidate. Miriam met Lucius at the age of 18 when he awkwardly stumbled upon Ilma-Lumisca while being lost on a trip. Being a man of simple pleasures, he decided to consider Ilma-Lumisca as part of his trip's plan,(and to try to not embarrass himself for being lost, it doesn't work however) and spent a month and a half there. He had no clue that Miriam was the current Undine candidate to possibly give birth to the nex generation Maxwell should Lucius pick her over a daughter from the other families, and spent most of his month's stay spending time with her. After a few events lead to another, they were eventually married when Miriam turned 21, only to have a child the following year.  Currently Miriam oversees the Magic Academy in Grandall that the Fides family funds as the Headmistress. She also works part time as Leo's alarm clock mainly due to the fact that Leo is accustomed to his personal maid's pleas for him to wake up, his butler cant be bothered to yell, and Lucius doesn't want to scream at his son. She's referred to as "Lady Maxwell" by the commoners and "Madam Fides" by Nobles.

Chibi Miriam (Academy)

At Home Version:

Atelita "Lita" Aurium/Vinesvolt
Role: Party Member

Age: 11
Hair Color: Black with two green bows on each side
Eye Color: Red
Skin Tone: Peach
Clothing: A green dress with a fur collar. White stockings and small green dress shoes with yellow bows on them. Always has a small bag with her to carry ingredients in.
Weapon/Fighting Style: Alchemy Concoctions and a "Whacking stick"
Origin: Grados: Veilstrum(Born) Fortunica: Franzea Meadows(Raised)
Likes: Ivan, Her bows, Alchemy, Medicine, Nature, Exploring, Singing
Dislikes: Illness, monsters, sour food, getting yelled at, the dark

Bio: Atelita was a child born from a Fortunican mother and Gradosian father. Ivan Vinesvolt met Laura Aurium in a bar owned by him in the Gradosian nation of Veilstrum. After being born, Atelita was no more than 1 year old when her parents had decided to relocate on Fortunica in a quiet cottage on the Franzea meadows. Her parents raised her while teaching her the rarely seen on Fortunica art of Alchemy, hoping it would help their beloved daughter later down the road in life. She lost her mother at the age of Eight, and since then she has tried her best to take care of Ivan, hoping to make his loss a little less painful by showing him he still has his child who loves him as much as his wife. Atelita continued her practicing and studying of Alchemy to help bring in much needed income for herself and her Father, as money became tight after Laura passed away. One day Ivan introduces her to a complete stranger saying that she will be taking care of her for an extended period of time, as he has a very important duty to attend to back on Grados, but also says its too dangerous to bring her with him.

Rise: The Game
Rise: The Game

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Post by Bacon'N'grits Thu May 08, 2014 3:39 am

Name: Carter Veltro
Role: Party Member

Age: 19
Weapon and fighting style: Uses his Long Spear and close quarters combat. Able to switch between blunt attacks and piercing attacks with his spear. Also can increases the quickness of his attacks as well as there force with each hit.

Origin: Rahkskil (Grados)

Likes: Fine Drinks, Challenging Fights and Fights overall, Helping those less fortunate, Orgas
Dislikes: Dishonorable acts, quitters
Bio- Carter became a soldier at 19 years of age to try and protect those closest to him. Before his father left to join the Army in its endeavors to keep the chances of war down, he told his son to,"Do what's best for you my boy. The more time that goes by, you begin to understand and see it for yourself," he told him. Carter took that advice to mind as his father left while it would be him and his mother for a while at the age of 6. While his mother did look after him when his father left she felt that if she raised him, she would be harming him possibly. Not physically but mentally as a young boy who'll eventually grow up and leave his parents to fend on his own. So she decided to try and let him venture out without her being around to see what he'd do. Carter looked back at her with a sad look as if he was being sent away. His mother wanted him to be strong and not have to be too dependent on her later for fearing he could be considered weak by others and his father. She gave him two bags filled with camping supplies, food, water, map and everything he'd need to have a mini camp as well as a weapon to defend himself with. His mother wanted him to not come home for 2 days until after he tried venturing out into the wilderness enduring whatever would come at him. She guided him halfway to the path and showed him where to make camp, and to stay away from certain areas marked on the map. Carter eventually stopped sobbing and headed towards the area he was told to go to. He opened up his bag and looked at the instructions for setting up his mini-camp and followed thoroughly. Surprisingly, he picked it up pretty quick for his age as well as being thrown straight out in the outdoors. He was quite upset about it all but knew that it wouldn't get him anywhere so he turned that negativity to a more positive outlook. If he got through this, he'll get to go home sooner. Once everything was setup, he sat down to eat the food given to him and slept as nightfall hit. The next day, Carter would wake up to another kid being his tent with him just looking around. Carter over time over a few obsatcles and survived the 2nd day. Carter ventured back home a little battered and bruised but nothing serious back home to his mother. His mother was so shocked but not because he was a little battered, but because he did it. While Carter was happy to be home, he wasn't too thrilled with his mother which was to be understood. She knew he would be upset but still would take care of him and told him that he will understand why she did what she did to him. For the next 6 years, Carter taught himself how to fight and at times tried fighting others bigger than he was but he never gave up for his protection as well as his mothers. 7 years later, his dad returned home but was on crutches because he sustained an injury during duty. Carters Father said that he'd be okay but could no longer fight. Carter sought this opportunity to tell his father he wanted to join the Army to continue his cause in his stead. His Father was proud of both his and wife and son for being strong during his absence and happily gave Carter his Spear called Whirlwinds Howl from his father. It was named that because of its design and very powerful force when used properly by the wielder. Carter felt that he should take everything hes done for himself, mother and friends and test it all in the army. He also remembered that Knolland joined the Army quite a while ago and wonders if hes still around. As he joins the Army, he idolizes Orgas Grisley in terms of fighting and hopes to fight him all out to see who comes out on top as well as his little rival to be, Knolland. His major goals are to fight for his loved ones and others to the best of his abilities, and to fight under or even become a general himself and use it to keep everything in place, and keep up with Knolland Truesdale.


Name- Knolland Truesdale
Role: Support

Age: 27
Weapon and fighting style: CQC and uses a Trident Spear for attack foes.
Origin: Rahkskil (Grados)

Likes: Fine women, brawls, messing with drunkards, helping others less fortunate
Dislikes: Quitters, mistreatment of women(unless deserved), messing with Carter
Bio- Knolland became a solider at the age of 20 years old to preserve order in his country. Knolland was very eccentric as a kid and loved to show off when he could. He would pick fights with his dad a lot because they both seemed to enjoy fights as well as participating in them for training. Like Carters father, he left him and the wife to join the army to help maintain neutrality between them and other nations. Knolland took this opportunity to train hard for when his father comes back to see how strong he's gotten over time. He quickly took charge and taking caring many of the errands his father. Over the course of time, his path would cross with a young man named Carter and together, they will preserve peace amongst their lands.


Last edited by Bacon'N'grits on Thu May 08, 2014 4:34 am; edited 2 times in total
Hunting Blade
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Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump Empty Re: Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump

Post by Turret Slayer!!! Thu May 08, 2014 3:55 am

-Full Name: Fae Ballense
-Role: Party Member
-Age: 17
-Hair Color and Style: Blonde, straight waist length.
-Eye color: Sky Blue
-Skin tone: Caucasian
-Outfit: White half shirt, navy blue jeans and jean jacket, black boots and gloves with blue detailing.
-Build: Toned.
-Height: 5' 7"
-Weapon and fighting style: A broadsword that she keeps on her back.  It is a caster loaded with weight, and oscillation magic.  She can use weight magic to alter the sword's weight during swings and oscillation magic to vibrate the blade to increase its cutting capabilities.  Has trained to utilize aura for increased strength, speed, perception and awareness, but not all at the same time.  Also carries a pistol that's used as a side arm.
-Origin: Wingsleth, Grados.
-Likes: Fruit, animals, training, stargazing, clouds.
-Dislikes: Traitors, wasting time, overly talkative people.
-Short bio: Fae is a Wingslen-born Gradosin who came to Fortunica four years after the assault on Avisara. After losing her parents during the attack, she lived with her guardian, Vietella until they moved to Fortunica, where Vietella disappeared shortly afterword. Left on her own, she was fortunate enough to meet Leo and become a friend to him and the Fides Family. She travels with Leo not only to help him on his mission, but also to find clues on Vietella's whereabouts.
Chibi Fae:

-Full Name: Fayerellea Valentine Vi Wingsleth
-Role: NPC
-Age: 18
-Hair Color and Style: Blonde and styled upwards.
-Eye color: Blue
-Skin tone: Fair.
-Outfit: White and sky blue dress.  Sky blue long gloves and heels.  
-Weapon and fighting style: None
-Origin: Avisara - Capital to the Skies, Wingsleth, Grados.
-Likes: Flowers, tea, sweets, playing piano.
-Dislikes: Weapons, war, insects, selfish people.
-Short bio: Third Princess of the Wingsleth Royal Family.  Thought to be dead since the assault on Avisara twelve years ago, she has revealed herself and her intentions to reclaim her country.  Backed by the Eilansian nobleman Conner Shaugessy, she sets out to speak to the leaders of Portgatz, Esparna and Frocois to gain independence for her country.
Chibi Fayerellea:
Turret Slayer!!!
Turret Slayer!!!
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Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Thu May 08, 2014 2:22 pm

Full Name: Atlas Stathis

Role: Party Member

Age: 24

Hair Color and Style: His hair is shaggy, fairly unkempt. Dark brow, almost black.

Eye color: A deep blue.

Skin tone: Tan.

Body Type: Slightly taller and larger than average. Slightly poor posture. Surprisingly flexible.

Outfit: Atlas wears black trousers and a white long sleeve shirt. Over his shirt he wears a grey vest with red buttons, a totem from his military days. On the vest reads “Corporal Stathis.” He wears it with pride, but tries not to draw attention to it. On his back is a large black steel sarcophagus, an intricate design facing out from his back. The strap stretches over his shoulder, and allows for him to hook into his left arm for battle. The most notable thing about his outfit is a pair of expensive high quality boots, custom made for maximum comfort while still allowing for maximum mobility. When asked about them he responds with: "You carry this thing around, see how your feet feel."

Fighting Style: Atlas fights with a hand axe, letting his opponent move in close and picking away at them. He's a defensive fighter, using his Sarcophagus as a shield. When on the assault, he uses the Sarcophagus as a large blunt object, often times utilizing the weight to add momentum to his punch. As a result he was known in the Grados army as "that kid with a hell of an uppercut." He also, carries a small pistol, though has never used it. He claims: “This is for when I get into a scenario with no way out.” It's unclear what exactly he means by that phrase.

Origin: Etelia – Grados, Imigrated to Veilstrum and currently resides there.

Likes: Drinking. Picking fights. Winning fights. Comfortable surroundings. Causing a ruckus.

Dislikes: Sex-crazed men. Being looked at funny. Overconfidence.

Short bio:Atlas was born in Etelia, however maintains little interest in the research of anima. Instead he served more as a grunt for the developers there, however he did chime in with an outsider's perspective, affirming the practicality of certain technologies on an average soldier. After a particular event, Atlas left Etelia for Veilstrum to pursue a more militant lifestyle. He carried a simple hatchet, the clothes on his back, and more notably, a large sarcophagus. Little paid it any mind after seeing how he could use it in a fight, and simply treated it as another weapon. In his military stay, he focused on building his endurance more than any other trait. Both through physical harm, and in the exposure of Anima, going so far as to do a stay in the Easerlands. Though he feels his training in this regard is incomplete, he's confident in any situation, and his mastery of his unique weapon is solid. Though it raises many questions about what motivates this youth. Eventually, he left Grados to pursue a certain goal of his. Though for now, it seems he works as a simple mercenary.

As far as emotional state, Atlas is very well put together and confident in his strength. He does however have an inferiority complex when it comes to his intelligence. He has a deep-seated fear of not being smart enough to protect what's important to him. He knows his strengths but is uncomfortable with his weaknesses. This will sometimes cause him to doubt himself, which in turn, is more damaging to his goals.

For Details on Sarcophagus. Warning Spoilers.

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Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump Empty Re: Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump

Post by The Monkey King Fri May 09, 2014 1:30 am

Full Name: Lorenzo Jean Baratros
Role: Playable Character
Age: 25
Hair Color and Style: Medium length hair that's kept sorta messy. Slicks it back for for special occasions. Colored midnight blue.
Eye color: Purple eyes
Skin tone: Lightly tanned skin.
Body Type: Lightly framed with a slightly above average height. Has light muscles.
Outfit: When traveling he wears a robe tied with a sash at the waist. He wears sandals has a scarf to cover his face and a pair of goggles.
Travel gear:
He also wears this:
Weird head covering:

Gradosian gear:
Weapon and Fighting style: He fights mainly using long range weapons, Sniper rifles and artillery. But carries a pistol with him if an enemy gets to close. He also moves and accelerates objects with a small cane he has.
Origin: Unknown. Adopted by Basil and his crew on the ship, The Baratros.
Likes: Magic, Gradocian culture, Rock candy, Cold (Weather and otherwise), His sniper rifle, exploring and visiting new places.
Dislikes: Brutes, Pointless Conflict, Being too close to someone.
Short bio: Lorenzo has been traveling most of his life, with his adoptive father, Basil. He was introduced into the mercantile life since very young. He enjoyed the life and loved going to all the places they would travel to. He has lived mainly on the Baratros, but occasionally Basil would send him to school. He wasn't the best student but Basil made sure that he picked up the skills he would need. Lorenzo mostly studied around in Grados, but Basil also traded for some private tutor sessions to learn about Fortunician culture. Lorenzo however much preferred the freedoms of Gradocian culture. He trained with long range weapons. Snipers, mortars, even the cannons and artillery of the Baratros. He learned for protection against pirate attacks but will also take on simple mercenary work from time to time. His time as a trader has given him a hunger for money and valuables. If the price is right he'll do anything. Lorenzo has learned alot in his travels but is also sheltered by Basil. Not allowed to go further out then the town they're visiting. Because of this he knows a lot of the outside world but still tends to act improperly at times. He's usually calm and collected, but when he's aboard the Baratros, he gets excitable and tends to have a lot of energy. Not too long ago the Baratros had started swimming with the rumors the Basil was finally going to let Lorenzo take on an away mission for what could be an extended period of time. Lorenzo got excited at the idea of being able to travel on his own for the first time. Now he's waiting to hear what it could be from Basil itself.

Full name: Lexianna Antoinette Radi
Role: Playable Character
Hair color and style: Dirty blonde and keeps it long. Normally keeps it in pigtails but If she's working she'll keep it in a tight ponytail and wears a cap.
Eye color: Blue
Age: 22
Skin tone: Lightly tanned
Body type: Tall with a slender frame.
Outfit: Wears overalls when working. Normally, she wears a small jacket over a t-shirt. Wears shorts and sneakers.
Short bio: Engineer of the Baratros and just barely an employee of the BTC. Lexianna was top of her class in engineering and loved to mess with cannons and artillery. She is considered a bit crazy about her work and sometimes put herself and those around her at risk. These risks were also the reason why she was forced to leave her schooling. Her designs deemed too dangerous to be implemented. Her family did not help her after the fact either. They were more concerned with their reputations than their daughter. She ran away before she was sent off and got into contact with an old friend of her family's. Basil Makram. He offered her the job she has now and also has lived on the Baratros since then.  However none of her creations never have hurt anyone on the ship... to date. She's designed most of the ships weapons and upgrades. She's loud and somewhat crude but always tries to have fun wherever she goes.
Working clothes:
Traveling clothes:

The crew of the Baratros and employees of the Basil Trading Company (BTC for short):
Full Name: Basil Makram
Role: NPC
Hair color and style: Brown, kept at a very short length.
Age: 46
Eye color: Hazel
Skin tone: very tanned skinned.
Body type: Large frame that is muscular but also has a gut. Taller than most
Outfit: Similar to Lorenzo's, A robe tied with a sash at the waist. A scarf drapes his shoulders down to his legs. He also wears a turban.
Short bio: Captain of the Baratros and Founder of the Basil Trading Company. A hard working man who tends to be more generous than people would expect. Every one of his crew would say that he's rough around the edges but really he has a heart of gold. He started the BTC as a young man running foodstuffs mainly but now has grown to do pretty much anything. The Baratros also has grown and changed with him. Starting as a smaller class he's upgraded it to what it is now. A full anti air combat ship but still able to carry big amounts of cargo. He's now coming to a decision about the new rumors of the dreamstuff on his ship.

Full name: Florent
Role: NPC
Hair color and style: Blonde hair that he keeps tied up high in a small ponytail
Eye color: Bright blue
Age: 28
Skin tone: White
Body type: Lightly framed and skinny. Somewhat short.
Outfit: He likes to dress very formally. Suits, Vests, slacks you name it. Wears glasses.
Short bio: Treasurer of the BTC and cook for the Baratros. Easily the most uptight crewman of the Baratros and he'll readily admit it too. He enjoys bookkeeping and organization. He will make sure the ship is in tip top shape and clean as a whistle. Always making sure that unnecessary spending and costs do not happen under any circumstance.

Full name: Tirkai 'Tirk' Mahad
Role: NPC
Hair color and style: Dark brown kept in a low messy ponytail.
Eye color: Dark brown
Age: 34
Skin tone: Tan
Body type: Bigger framed and somewhat tall.
Outfit: Wears a long sleeve dark shirt with the sleeves rolled up. A tie around his neck and slacks and formal shoes.
Short bio: Doctor of the Baratros and VP of the BTC. He tends to have a heavy hand when it comes to healing but is a light hearted person. He tends to joke too much and always has a smile on his face. He loves to chase skirts and will declare love for a woman that he just met. He also is the closest thing to a resident drinker of the Baratros but only does it when the Baratros is grounded. He also is the impromptu Human Resources department. Got a problem with the crew or the ship? He'll take care of you. And if necassary he'll "Take care of you"

Full name: Douglas Finnigan Somerled
Role: NPC
Hair color and style: Bald
Eye color: Brown
Age: 38
Skin tone: Pale
Body type: Huge frame and muscular
Short bio: Quartermaster of the Baratros and Inventory manager of the BTC. Also known as, The Angriest Hardass you'll ever meet. Douglas like to get things done and won't take no for an answer. He will yell your ear off if you try to come up with excuses. And will insult your entire family and yourself to get you riled up. Though he treats everyone rather poorly, no one messes with him and his crew. He's trained in all sorts of weapons and will quickly grow accustomed to using new one's. Though he prefers hammers and maces to compliment his strength. He will train new workers, If they're combat trained he'll make sure they know how to handle cargo and the ship. If they're trained to fly on an airship he'll train them to fight. And if they're not trained in either, They're stowaways and go overboard.

Full name: Andre Ral
Role: NPC
Age: 36
Hair style and color: Blonde. Keeps it a little shorter than shoulder length.
Skin color: Light skinned.
Short bio: Combat Medic of the Baratros and Research and Development of the BTC. A curious indiviual that seems obsessed with a lost form of magic called alchemy. Searching for any information in the world he's grown skilled at making healing salves and potions from herbs and such. However long days and nights have put stress both mentally and physically on him. Always tired, he has become somewhat of a cynic. Not many have come to his aid and he's been alone for most of his life now. However, through his research he has become a great medic and at making sure people will survive any and all of their wounds. Splints, bandages, whatever you could possibly need he'll have it. He also is great at finding any information or researching. He has an extensive library and will always add to it.
The Baratros is a medium sized, Cruiser class, Airship designed to sail and fight alone. It's armed with mainly anti air artillery, consisting of flak cannons, cannons, and armor piercing rifles. But it can still carry cargo from loads of supplies to huge statues. Aside from it's leading crew members there is 10 other workers that man the crew. Although if necessary it can be manned by a minimum of 6. It still holds an older style and runs with both a balloon and magitech propulsion. It has a wooden hull with metal reinforcements. However a certain someone is preparing it for a full magitech upgrade soon.
The Monkey King
The Monkey King
Hunting Blade
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Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump Empty Re: Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump

Post by FuraidoRaisu Fri May 09, 2014 4:25 pm

Name: Chao Fan the drifter
Age: Even he doesn't remember anymore
Hair: Light gray, frizzy hair and goatee. Fu Manchu stache.
Eyes: Left is a dark reddish brown. Right eye is a faded green glass eye.
Skin tone: Somewhat dark.
Outfit: I'm gonna just post this pic to save time.
Weapons/Fighting style: Both improvised. Damn good at jury rigging weapons/traps/magitech out of stuff he finds laying around. Aside from that, he's gotten pretty good at wielding his bamboo pokin' stick like a sabre. Can discus throw the wok he keeps outside his rucksack hard enough to knock a man unconscious.
Origin: Born and raised in Yì Lián, but hasn't been back since he left decades ago.
Likes: Collecting (trinkets AND information). Tries not to leave a place without having learned something about it. Tinkering with his collection. Having a warm meal and a drink and occasionally someone to sit and share them with.
Dislikes: When people don't let him pay for meals and rooms with trinkets ("They are NOT useless!"). Tends to get in trouble with local authorities and is banned from quite a few diners and inns.

Curious in every sense of the word, Chao Fan left his hometown in his late teens to see the world and what it had to offer. He goes place to place, in search of adventure and discovery. A run-in with a mugger several years ago cost him one of his eyes so he replaced it with a glass eye a shifty-looking stranger on the side of a road offered him. Says he's never felt better. The old coot is a few carrots short of a stew, but he's one of the craftiest loons you will ever run into. Just don't give him a reason to fight you back and you'll be fine. The last guy to actually make him mad is still in a burn ward somewhere with splinters lodged in his kneecaps and three missing teeth.

P.S. I had 2 ideas in mind for villains from Grados. Is that cool and do I post them here when I get their info worked out?

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Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump Empty Re: Tales of RP 2.0 Info Dump

Post by Rise: The Game Fri May 09, 2014 4:38 pm

FuraidoRaisu wrote:

P.S. I had 2 ideas in mind for villains from Grados. Is that cool and do I post them here when I get their info worked out?

Yeah. All characters get thrown here, just be sure to clear with Akune what their roles/actions/whatever will do and affect since he runs Grados, just to make sure you guys dont end up with conflicting ideas or some shit.
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