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Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Rise: The Game
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Rise: The Game Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:58 am

A week has passed since the battle in the hospital. Tensions were high, motives were questioned, and most importantly, rest was finally acquired. Due to Al's rampage and mass killings witnessed in the hospital, attention was removed from the group for the time being to focus on informing the families of the patients, nurses and doctors who were killed in the hospital. A new school year had begun, but everyone in the group was torn, and found themselves thinking back to the events following their battle with Al, and wondering how things among the group would work out from here on with so many newcomers and the tension between Karin and Shinta (Both of who pulled through in the end) still being an ongoing problem. As was Tsubasa being terrified of 60% of her classmates. Instead of focusing on class, our characters are lost in thought about recent events, and what to do from here on out. Stefan on the other hand, was busy running errands for the shrine, but he also sat down for a while up against a tree, to think back to the events of last week, trying to sort his emotions and motivation out, as all of his friends were doing too at the same split moment.............
August 20th

Rise: The Game
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:27 am

"So that's basically the gyst of things that happened." Stefan told the Fox, who wore it's usual expression. Stefan was now wearing a traditional priest outfit. Ridicules, be damned, Stefan felt that this was now his place to be, as co-guardian of the shrine.


"I dunno....Hopefully that'll be the last of the murders. But that guy didn't exactly seem like he was the one behind it. With what he said and everything...But, if he's a murderer, I can't exactly say he's well in the head. And who knows? He could have been referring to a shadow." He stretched himself out. Annoyed by the sounds of workers building a small house next to the shrine. "...You know, I appreciate them building a house for me, even though you paid for it, but do they have to be so loud this early?" He looked at his watch. It was past 11am. "....Oh. I wonder how's school going for everyone."

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Kilvas Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:17 am

"Hmmm....." Maeko was by the river, fishing as usual. Things seem almost back to normal, but not quite. "...Catch han't been good lately...fish must be tense too." Maeko layed back and started at the clouds in the sky, thinking back on the TV world.

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Turret Slayer!!! Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:02 am

As Kashiwagi lectured on, Shinta played his game with quiet contemplation. He was at a vital moment in the story and his next choice could decide the entire game. As the options appeared before him he thought back to when he was unconscious...and what he experienced.

Shinta slowly awoke and found himself on a lone island. His wounds were completely healed and he was wearing his normal clothes. "Where am I? Am I...dead?" He looked around his surroundings and saw no one, just a lone building that appeared to have been abandonned for years. Its door was missing and the windows were filthy. "That can't be..." Shinta stood up and sprinted to the building. He ran inside and gasped, "No way." There was no mistaking it. This building was the arcade where all the other personalities resided, but there was no sign of anyone. Infact, it looked like there was no one to begin with. The table and arcades were covered in dust and cobwebs, the floor creaked eeriely with each step and there was not a single trace of any food or beverage. "Akira!" Shinta called as he searched the building, "Yoichi! Raiha!" He opened door after door but saw no one and heard no answer, "Saito! Kazuki!" He dropped to his knees in mental exhaustion and muttered, "...Shinta. That's it!" Shinta ran to an arcade and began pressing buttons. After a flash he was sent to the maze of mirrors. He stared at one of the mirrors and spoke, "Hey! Shinta! What's going on here? I showed up but no one's here. The place is a mess too. Can you...help...me..." Shinta saw that it was only his reflection and frowned before tearing up and smiling weakly, "That's right. Just like when I was born. I'm all alone."
"You're not alone." Shinta turned behind him and saw a refelction moving on its own. This Shinta had an annoyed look and spoke in a harsh tone, "Dumbass. We explained it to you when you were born. You're all of us and we're all you."
"Saito you're being to harsh again." Anoth reflection appeared next to Saito. This one had a warm smile and a calming demeanor, "But he's right. We're all inside of you, not this space. If you need us you just have to look into yourself."
"But that doesn't mean you should come crying to us over everything," Saito added, "otherwise there'd be no point in us fusing."
"Give the kid a break. He's new at this." A more casual, relaxed sounding reflection joined the others, winking playfully at Shinta. Another reflection appeared and stuck his tongue out at Saito, "Yeah, yeah. You're just being a bully, Saito. Beeeeh~"
"That aside," a bored looking reflection appeared and spoke, "What's up?
You seem even more lost than usual."
"Shinta," Shinta wiped his eyes and spoke, "What's going on? Why are you guys only in there? What happened here? Am I dead?"
"In order: You passed out after overexerting yourself. We no longer have 'physical bodies' as a result of fusion. As such we can no longer maintain this area so it'll vanish over time. Part of the plan. Don't worry. And no. You're not dead. By all accounts you should be but I guess God loves you."
Shinta hesitantly asked, "So...what now? It's over right? So what do I do? I was supposed to help them solve this case and then...I'm not sure what I was supposed to do after that. Tell me. What should I do now?"
"...Beats me." Raiha shrugged, "We're not gods. We didn't have a grand scheme for you in mind. We just figured it'd be better than having all of us fight for control."
"We did this because we figured it's what we had to do," Saito said, "If you want a purpose, make one yourself."
"Sooner or later we'll all fade away completely. You have to learn how to stand on your own. But don't worry," Yoichi encouraged, "I know you can do it." The reflections beagn to fade away slowly. Shinta cried out to them, "Wait! Don't go. I still don't know what to do."
"Sorry, kid," Raiha said, "You're on your own on this one."
"Don't worry," Kazuki waved, "as long as you don't make asnyone cry, you'll be fine."
"Tch. Don't cry again, idiot. Think about what you want to do. Not what we tell you." Saito scolded.
"Whatever you do," the Shinta reflection advised before fading, "don't let regret fuel your every move. Or you'll just end up giving yourself more to regret."
"Just remember this," one final reflection appeared, "You're all of us, but you're also yourself. You can make your own choices without worrying about us all the time." With that, the reflection faded and Shinta woke up in the hospital bed.
End Flashback

"My own choice...huh?"
Turret Slayer!!!
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Rise: The Game Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:48 am

Masuyo was sleep at his desk. Despite Kashiwagi hitting him on the head with her attendance sheet he wouldn't wake up.

"Ngh!" Masuyo grunted as he flinched in pain.

"Stay still." Dahni's mother said rubbing alcohol on his face. "You should be happy you weren't shot. What on earth were you trying to accomplish?"

"My girlfriend was in the lobby..........as were other important people." he said quietly

"Well, she's one lucky girl to have someone willing to run at a gun for her." Dahni's mother said smiling.

"No......shes not lucky at all.........." Masuyo said turning over on his bed. If it weren't for me.......she wouldn't be caught up in all of this......I........I ruined her potential to live a normal life. How can she like me? What the hell!? he thought clutching the pillow on the bed.

Jeeeeeeeeeesus christ AGAIN? How many times am I gonna have to run to your rescue and tell you to stop being a bitch!?

"Hmph." Masuyo groaned to sit up and see that he was in Yomiko's room. "What in the jesus am I doing here?"

Shut up and watch.

After saying that Yomiko walked into the room. She dropped her bags on the floor. *sigh* "Why isn't he answering........Masuyo........" she said slowly sitting on her bed.

"Wahaaaaaaaah!" a voice shouted from behind the door as it flew open to reveal Nene and Tsubasa. "MISSION FAILED!" she shouted.

"And its starting to get dark out too." Tsubasa said. "Its not safe for ladies to be out alone at this time."

"*sigh*........damn it Masuyo........where are you?" Yomiko said.

"Can't he have his own privacy?" Nene asked playfully. "Or are you the type who likes to keep a tight leash?" she said smirking getting close to Yomiko's face.

"No!" Yomiko shouted. "Besides Masuyo would bite off a leash. Hes the kinda person who doesn't let anything restrain him." she aid rolling her eyes.

"Besides you." Tsubasa said.

"Cause he soooooooo looooooooves youuuuuuu~" Nene teased. "Normally he just screams and curses and tells whoever tells him to do something to "FUCK OFF!" or something! But he'll listen to you!"

"......40% of the time. I've been keeping track." Yomiko said turning red.

"Awwwwwwwwww you're tracking your progress!" Nene said hugging Yomiko.

"Sh-shut up! I don't know......he's so stupid and rash and simpleminded." Yomiko started.

"Nrk!" Masuyo grunted in pain.

I guess I should be offended too since im you........ the shadow said twisting his face up too.

"But its that imperfection that I like about him." she said hugging her pillow. "He doesnt let his shortcomings hold him back. He actually makes use of them. Thats incredible. I wish I had whatever he had to do such a thing."

"Testosterone my dear." Nene said waving a finger. "Its all in da ballz."

"E-EW!" Tsubasa shouted throwing a pillow at Nene.

"Im just happy. But he gets involved in some.........dangerous things sometimes due to his rash personality. Im just worried aobut that..........." Yomiko said tearing up.

".............Dude." Masuyo said looking at his shadow.

I know. Moe as fuck. You're a colossal tard but at least you pick em well. he said giving Masuyo a thumbs up.

"You're a fucking tard too." Masuyo said.

"What are you doing in my flashback?" asked another Yomiko who walked into the room, she was transparent like Masuyo and his shadow.

"........Eh? This douche brought me here." Masuyo said pointing to his shadow.

"I see.......im going to have to beat this memory out of your head-" Yomiko started till Masuyo hugged her.

"Im sorry. I didn't know I worried you this much. Its because im so quick to act. Im the worst." he said painfully

"Its........alright. You came back. Thats all that mattered." she said turning red. "BUT!" she then kicked him in his leg. "Thats for at least not sending me a fake "Im alive" text message or something! Idiot!"

"Fucking A WHY DO YOU HAVE TO HIT MEEEEEEEE." Masuyo whined.

Guess our work here is done. Shadow Masuyo said looking over at Shadow Yomiko who appeared next to him. Say cutie, wanna go get some dinner? he said as they disappeared along with the illusional flashback.

"...........right. I already said at the concert im happy about this outcome." Masuyo said lying in his bed. "Because now I have the power to protect her, and she can protect herself if for some reason im not there." he said with a slight smile.

Yomiko stood outside of the Masuyo's room leaning against the door. "I.....I don't have time to be harping over that Dahni girl. Everyone is hurt and dying, I cant believe I let it get to me. Besides im sure Masuyo doesn't jump into TVs and dodge bullets and chainsaws for every girl." she said with a chuckle as she entered his room.

"Oh. Hey." he said.

"And how are you doing?" she said sitting on his bed.

"Im.......fine." he said. "Just kinda tired really."

"Well, can you walk later?" she asked.

"Maybe. Most likely for a bit I can walk with you." he said.

"Good...........cause she said yes. You have to take me to dinner." Yomiko said turning red.

"Wha-OH FUCK YOU!" he shouted

Oiy oiy, this is helping you get in there too!

End flashback
Rise: The Game
Rise: The Game

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by usogami Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:43 pm

well, things are fairly boring here now, thought seiya as he doodled images in his notebook instead of taking notes. most people seem terrified that people died at a hospital, even if it was caused by another human(possibly crazy) and that its more than the usual. well, atleast im not falling into that silly trap of being close to a dying patient when being a nurse(or interning as one), well, atleast, not again...
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:05 pm

"...." Dahni sat in the class watching Masuyo being beaten in the head, still traumatized by the events of the hospital. Luckily her mother wasn't hurt, though due to that, she had been busier. She was also pre-occupied with what she asked Yomiko, but never got an answer. She kept meaning to ask Masuyo about it, but could never work up the nerve.

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Grunge Hamster Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:22 pm

"Sakuraba! Do you have your homework?" Kashiwagi glared at him expectantly.
"About that..."
"I don't accept late assignments! I don't accept excuses either!"
Kentaro drops a giant stack of papers on the desk.
"The thing is, I couldn't remember if you said page 12 or page 21, so I did both... And then I went ahead and did all the exercises in the book just to make sure. Can I go now?"
Kashiwagi stares at the pile in disbelief for a minute. She opens her mouth to say something but Kentaro is already leaving.
"Now wait a minute!"
Kentaro ignores her and goes outside. He gets on his skateboard and sets off in a random direction letting his thoughts wander...

"So you're saying this guy has been threatening you and your friends and he attacked this.... Stefan Shermikat, and you brought him to the hospital, but you lied about the attack?" asks the cop looking over some papers
"Yeah, Stefan's had a history of vagrancy and he didn't want the authorities involved."
"But then this Al character came back for you and your friends."
"And you're saying you don't know him at all?"
"He was a nut. Maybe I passed him on the street or something and I caught his attention, but I don't know him or why he wanted to kill me."
"He did have needle marks..." one of the other officers mentions. He recieves a harsh look from the interogating officer.
"The suspect mentioned a third person who ordered him to kill you specifically. What do you know about this?"
"Ravings of a lunatic."
"Uh huh. Finally who killed Al?"
"The cop he shot wounded him first. He bled out and collapsed. I've already told you all this."
"Fine. We're done for now. If you remember anything else, you tell

end flashback

Kentaro closes his eyes letting the wind blow past him as he skates down a straight stretch of street. He counts the seconds and hops the curb without opening his eyes and continues to skate down a sidewalk.

Red-hat wasn't crazy. He might have been a junkie like the cops think, but I don't think he was high when he attacked us. That was an act of desperation. He was manipulated into a corner by someone who wanted to rid of him. Someone who also tried to get rid of us. Someone who knows about shadows. Shadows... the kidnappings... why target me?... maybe i wasn't the target... maybe I was bait... BEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEP!!!

Kentaro's eyes shoot open as he is jerked from his deep thoughts by the sound of a car horn. He has drifted back onto the street and a car is headed right at him. He dives back onto the sidewalk and rolls into some bushes. "Owowow!" he rubs his head and looks around. "My board!" he runs over to his skateboard and picks it up. "Phew! not broken."
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Turret Slayer!!! Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:50 am

In the bathroom, Karin emerged from a stall and made her way to the sink. As she held her hands under the faucet her mind drifted to her time in the hospital.

Karin screamed as she jumped up. Her body was shaking and covered in a cold sweat. She felt her forehead. "Aniki...why?"
"Aniki. Aniki. Aniki. Aniki. Boo fucking hoo." Karin turned to the source of the voice, no, her voice and saw a woman who looked exactly like her. "Honestly, it was funny at first but now you're just sad."
"A-are you..."
"That's right. We didn't get a chance to meet in person so," the woman introduced herself, "Nice to meet you. I'm your Shadow." Karin immediately stood up and got in a fighting stance, "Don't be so hasty. I'm not here to fight. I'm just here to show you something while they operate on you."
"Operate?" Karin raised an eyebrow before recalling the recent events, "...That's right. I shot Shinta...and then myself."
"Yup. Pretty good shot too considering you missed the head completely."
"I-I just figured an instant death would be more than he deserved." Karin said nervously.
"Sure you did," the Shadow taunted, "I may be wrong wasn't his big thing trying to get you to kill him, but then he backed out of it? And you were gonna kill him but backed out. Way I see it,it's a win-win. You two seem to have problem with follow-through."
"Are you saying I'm like him?" asked Karin angrily, "I'm nothing like him. I would never use and betray my friends."
"And Shinta wasn't a friend?"
"The moment he betrayed us he stopped being my friend," Karin replied resolutely, "He severed that bond on his own accord."
"It takes two people to form a bond, but only one to break it. Funny that."
"So what? I'm just supposed to forgive him? After what he did to me? To Aniki?"
"What about Masu and the others? What he did to them doesn't count?"
"That's..." Karin looked away sheepishly.
"What do you fight for? Do you fight for the friends you have in the present? Or for the Aniki in the past? For all his lies he got one thing right, you're pretty much Aniki's bitch right now and he's not even here."
"That's not true!"
"Come on, you hinged on his every word. Followed his every command and completely shut down when he was gone. You were a fucking wreck! And for what? Because he saved you that one time? Because he made you feel important? Special?"
"I don't know," Karin answered hesitantly, "I...I just wanted...to help Aniki."
"Then why didn't you kill Shinta immediately? Why did your hand shake?"
"I...don't know?" Karin began to feel tears welling in her eyes.
"And why did you decide to shoot yourself? More importantly," the Shadow smirked as if she was slowly killing Karin, "why didn't your hand shake then?"
"I don't know!" cried Karin shakily.
"That's what I wanted to show you. I'm not here to kill you, guide you or even test you. I just want you to know," the Shadow said putting a finger under Karin's chin and leaning close, "how utterly pathetic and laughable you are."
"..." Karin dropped to her knees and sighed in resignation as she let the tears roll down her cheeks, "...I don't...know what to do."
"That's because no one's gonna tell you to this time." the Shadow said coldly before Karin woke up.
End Flashback

"..." Karin stared at the water gathering in her hands and splashed the water in her face. After shaking her head she looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Heh...I really am pathetic, huh?"

Last edited by Joker on Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:47 am; edited 2 times in total
Turret Slayer!!!
Turret Slayer!!!
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Rise: The Game Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:37 am

Yomiko looked at her notebook on her desk with a glazed look in her eyes. She was lost in thought.


"What have you two been doing!?"

"N-nothing! He just-"

"Don't give me that nothing mess! Masu-chan was rash but he was never the type to get hurt so badly he was up in the hospital!"


"*sigh* Im coming down there now. Wait in the lobby for me."

Yomiko hung up her phone as she dropped it to the ground. "Is auntie saying...........that this is my fault? The only reason Masuyo is being hurt so much is because of my existence? So if I had never come.......he'd be safe and sound?" she said to the ceiling with tears running down the side of her face. "I knew it. I was a parasite at home with mom and dad......and im a parasite here too.......I just.......don't belong anywhere." she said burying her face in her hands.

" I cant believe this. Do you seriously think this is all because you're here? You know that idiot upstairs. He was already mixed up in this crap, now he's just getting cut up for a legitimate reason. Well, a reason better than feeling like he's some sort of heroic crusader." a voice said as her shadow appeared infront of her.

"That.......doesn't exactly make me feel better." Yomiko said twisting her face up.

Graaaaah! You're just as stupid as he is! Your being here is doing him better than if you weren't! Now he has a reason to NOT be as careless! He has someone to go home to and to make sure he doesn't make cry! For the love of god you two say you're supposedly dating but you act like total strangers! And anyways, im strong as hell, so obviously you could just kill whatever is hurting him duh. the shadow said sticking her tounge out at Yomiko.

"You're right...........wow im stupid. You think its a disease i contracted from him?" she asked the shadow playfully as she dissipated. "*sigh* geez." Yomiko said as she looked at her bottle of medicine she had received. She heard her aunt's voice yelling from outside of the door. "And of course she comes when im looking at the tube of drugs." she said rolling her eyes and shrugging.

End Flashback
Rise: The Game
Rise: The Game

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:43 am

"...." Stefan sat back, remembering the moment that he left out when telling the fox. Not that he wanted to hide it, but because he was ashamed.

FLASHBACK! (Since everyone else is doing it and I want to be cool. Very Happy

Al's corpse bled on the floor below, Stefan having dealt the final blow shook some, but felt a sense of pride that he was able to protect people after all. "W-wait, what are you guys doing here anyway? I thought you were all too pro to give into this."

"Yeah well, Karin went fucking crazy and shot Shinta and herself." Masuyo complained bluntly. "And then I started coughing up blood-"

"Wait, what?! W-where's Karin?!" He yelled.

"She's in the emergency room now they said." Kentaro said, with that Stefan began to run off, but was stopped when Masuyo grabbed his arm.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He snapped at him.

"Dude. Just...Listen for a second okay? Now I know we joke around, but I dunno exactly what happened between you and her. But it's not enough for you to think suddenly you're the person she wants to see right now." Masuyo said, calmly all things considered.

"W-what? Fuck you, I want to make sure she's okay!"

"She's with doctors now, they'll be able to do more then you will. Stop trying to force yourself into her life!"


"I surprisingly feel bad for saying this," Yomiko chimed in. "But Masuyo's right. Stefan you've just been trying to force yourself into a relationship with her. She's still working out feelings with Shinta, and you're not helping that...In fact, you're just making things worse."


"I know how you feel man, but she's not into you. Let it go."

End Flashback

"....Dammit...I'm so stupid..." He pulled his hat down over his face, ashamed of himself.

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Kilvas Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:01 am

Maeko dozed off, later waking up, the sky cloudier than it was before. "..Omens..?"
Though Maeko was now living in Masuyo's apartment after being kicked out of her former one, she hardly went there. She spent most of her time at the river, enjoying the company of the fish. She felt more comfortable there.
"Hmm...it's too bad I couldn't repair Grandpa's fishing rod.."[i] She thought sitting up, as she turned to look at the rod sitting next to her. Though it was busted in two, she liked to carry it around. Maeko stood up, took off her shoes and rolled up her pant legs. She grabbed her small harpoon and walked into the river. She began thinking, [i]"...Things haven't felt right. Even though I'm a part of this team with this power...I don't like them, I owe my life to them for saving it. But.."

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Rise: The Game Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:24 am

Nene and Tsubasa sat in their room silent. They hadn't fully transferred into school yet due to the lack of a parental guardian to sign their sheets, so Ms.Asakura was currently vouching for their relative over the phone in the lobby. Both were silently thinking about a few days back


"So is she okay?" Nene asked.

"I dunno. I mean she pulled through, but shes kinda fucking insane." Masuyo said shrugging his shoulders

"Don't say that!" Tsubasa shouted hitting Masuyo on his arm. "You don't understand.........."

"Yeah yeah I know." he said. "My bad. But still, normal people dont just bust out a gun, cap someone and then themself shouting "PRAISE MEEEEEEEE" theres really something wrong in her head. And I doubt we can help."

"Well why did you call us here?" Nene asked.

"Well........" Yomiko said.

"After everything that happened in the hospital and the way that Al guy acted, during my recovery Yomi and I spoke, and we feel like that he wasn't the mastermind. He was too panicky and rash. And incase this isn't the end......" Masuyo started

"We're giving you two the choice, you haven't been thrown in, or seen by them. They probably don't relate you two with our group. You can back out and live a safe life. You don't need to be involved with all of this." Yomiko said.

"B-but" Tsubasa started

"NO!" Nene shouted. "We've done nothing but impose on you two and cause trouble!! And you still saved us! We're helping and thats that!" she shouted slamming her hand on the table.

"Well........if i'd call anything determination i'd say it was that right there." Masuyo said sighing. "Well at least we have 2 good friends with us. I still don't know about that Maeko chick.......feels like she still avoids us. Neh, whatever." he said shrugging.

"Well, we should worry about Karin for now. Shes always sitting around outside anyways, im sure Stefan can take care of her or something." Yomi said spinning her cellphone on the table in a bored fashion.

"So by the way Nene......what was your-"


"FUCKIN A!" Masuyo shouted holding his cheek.

"SHUT UP! IM NOT TELLING YOU!!!!!!!" she shouted angrily.

".........fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I'll just ask Shinta when he gets outta the hospital!" he shouted sticking his tounge out.

"NO! YOU STUPID GET BACK HERE!" she shouted chasing him through the shopping district.

End Flashback

"Kashiwagi-Sensei. I feel sick. Im going home." Masuyo said.

"You're staying right there!" Kashiwagi shouted back.

"Suit yourself if you want me vomiting all over the room and stinking the place up." he said irritated as he sat down.

"..........fine. Get out." she said folding her arms.

"Uh-uhm I'll make sure he gets home safely! He lives at my apartment anyways so........" Yomiko said akwardly.

"Whaaaaaaaaatever. Little tramp." Kashiwagi said sitting on the desk upfront crossing her legs.

*insert turkey glare*

The two signaled to Shinta to leave with them
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Turret Slayer!!! Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:36 am

Oh now you wanna play sick, huh? Shinta sighed and stood up, "If that's the case, I think I'll go too. Just to be safe."
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Rise: The Game Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:44 am

"So yeah. What do we do about Karin and Maeko?" Masuyo asked getting straight to the point. "Karin is turning into some crazed zealot, so we dont know if its safe to be around her yet........and Maeko is still doing that distant crap. And like I texted you a few days ago, Yomi and I don't think that guy was the final boss. He was too-"

"Stupid." Yomiko said finishing the sentence. "That girl is living with us but she only leaves her room to go fishing. And seeing how she just instantly shrugs off company I really don't wanna bother with trying to get her to open up. Besides theres still that Dahni girl......" she said.

"But what if shes that "I AM CALLING FOR HELP WITHOUT SAYING IT" type of person?" Masuyo asked.

"Your ears dont work. Shes told you, and others in the group off multiple times. Focus on more important issues first." Yomiko said chopping Masuyo on his head.

"Fine fine. But what do you think Shinta?"
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:55 pm

They're all just leaving? And Kashiwagi allowed it? Dahni thought. She shrugged and continued to listen to the lecture. And...that girl keeps glaring at me..What did Masuyo-kun say to her?

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by usogami Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:04 pm

ok... three people gone.... just for vomiting.... and not even to the nurse? is this teacher that incompetent? hmmm.... o well, not like i can bs my way out like those guys did. thought seiya as he stared out the window watching the gray sky. wonder what those 3 are actually doing. probably something more fun than this class right now....
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Grunge Hamster Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:01 pm

Kentaro is back on his skateboard and is headed for the hospital.

Somethings missing from the puzzle. The cops will have taken all of Red-hat's personal effects as evidence, so I won't be seeing those anytime soon, but maybe there are some clues on the actual body. I can't just walk into the morgue though. I'll just look around and come up with a plan for later.

As he skates Kentaro thinks some more about what has happened...

Kentaro sits in the hospital lobby with his laptop. The nurses had bandaged him up and the doctors determined that he wouldn't have to sleep at the hospital as long as he reported for regular therapy sessions. They alos said most of the scarring would fade with time but Kentaro didn't mind either way. In his opinion they made him look cooler. At the moment he was totally engrossed in what he was doing on the computer, and he remained that way for a good half hour before closing the laptop and sighing.

"That should take care of it." he thought to himself. He leaned back and closed his eyes. "I won't have to worry about money for a while... I guess I really am my father's son. How ironic. He cut's me off and that's when I start to care about making business deals. Mom and Dad... and now these new friends... friends..." he thinks tossing the word around in his head. "I've never thought so hard about relationships before. Deep emotions were just a joke, and everything and everyone were reduced to factors in my pursuit of that next hedonistic high. But now... something about those guys made me want to connect in a way that I can't explain logically, and trying to just undermined those feelings anyway. I don't get it, but maybe I'm not supposed to get it."

"Hehehe now you're getting it."

"What the? My shadow?"

"In the incorporeal flesh. Hahaha. It's an oxymoron. A paradox. You know for a smart person you're actually quite dumb. hahaha."

"..... I've been picturing a coin when it's really a sphere haven't I?"

"hahaha. If I'm you and you're me then which one of us has the answer?"

end flash back

Kentaro skates.
Quit worrying about it Kentaro. he tells himself You know what you want to do right now. Getting what you want has always been enough in the past. Just keep working on enjoying the moment and that deeper meaning stuff will come with time. Friends, action. mystery. Even if you don't change, you might as well milk this for what it's worth... yeah it ain't bad at all yo. he smiles.
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Turret Slayer!!! Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:20 pm

"Well..." Shinta pondered the question, "judging by our reunion, I'm not sure what to think. I don't want to think Karin's a lost cause though. Considering it'd be all my fault." Shinta chuckled nervously, "As for the fisher girl, I can't really say. She seems...rough, but not like the kind to abandon someone who may need her." Shinta shrugged.
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Grunge Hamster Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:57 pm

Kentaro reaches the hospital and pulls up his hoodie. He stashes his skateboard in some bushes and walks around the building avoiding the main entrance. He eventually finds a service entrance that leads to the ambulance garage, but is stopped by a card key lock on the door.

Hmm thought as much. There are probably locks like this on all but the patient room doors in the hospital.

He takes a picture with his phone.

Better get going. I'll come back later after I think things through.

He walks out towards the front of the building and retrieves his skateboard, when suddenly someone grabs him by the shoulder and spins him around.

"What are you doing here? Sakuraba right? Shouldn't you be in school?" Its the detective from the Al incident.

Shit Kentaro quickly grabs his shoulder and pretends to wince in pain. "Owowow! Hey watch it man. Yeah I was at school, but my arm was hurting from when that psycho cut me up. I came back to get it looked at again... Look I'm really not feelin' well so can I go now?"

"Uhuh... sure..."

"Tch. Alright then." Kentaro starts to walk away.

"Hey Sakuraba!"

Kentaro turns around "I got my eye on you." the detective says.

"Whatever." he says defiantly and skates off. Damn that was close. Better watch out for that guy. He suspects something
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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:27 am

"....Well! No use moping about it around here." Stefan stood up, annoyed by the sounds of construction. "Boy I'm hungry...I wish it was raining so I could get free food at Aiya's again...Hmm." He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess I could just go to Junes..." He looked at his outfit. "...Maybe I'll take this off first." HE took off the priest's uniform and headed out for Junes.

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Kilvas Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:05 pm

"Hm!" Maeko stood straight up and shook her head. She wore a small smile on her face she looked at her ice bucket, full of fish, she couldn't fit the lid back on. "Good day after all..." She though as the got out of the river, grabbing a small towel from her pocket and wiped her harpoon.
She packed up her things and started headin to the shopping district, hoping to sell her catch. "Hmm...maybe I should..." She stopped. She started walking back home to Masuyo's appartment.

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:34 pm

"Hm? Oh hey Maeko." Stefan saw her walking down the shopping district. "Haven't seen you for a couple of days."

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by Kilvas Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:59 pm

"Hm?" Her faint smile faded as she turned to Stefan."Oh, it's you...Hey..Stefan." She mumbled as she walked to him, trying to act as friendly as she could.

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Persona 4 RP Phase 2 Empty Re: Persona 4 RP Phase 2

Post by RESSURECTED LYLE DAYEK Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:10 pm

"How've you been? You look pretty good all things considered."

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